Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey you guys!

First I will show you some pictures of my house, on the first picture you can see my fence and on the second pictures you can see the house I'm staying in:

Furthermore Haike and me are now finally fully registered and we recieved our student cards.

On Thursday we payed a first visit to the township Mamelodi here in Pretoria. We saw their art center (which was quite humble) and went to their shopping center, which was completely pulled out of it's context...
Here some images of how poor these people actually are...

On Friday Amira gave us all 2 books to read for next Friday, so this week we won't do many other things then reading those books...

This weekend on Saturday we went to explore downtown Pretoria with Minette, a friend of ours in our class. She showed us around on the black market and took us for a snack on the Church Square (the very heart of Pretoria where it all started).

And finally to end this post some photographs of our campus.
First the piazza (the central square) and the Client Service Center:

This is the building of the department of Architecture:

This is the building of the department of Engineering:

That was about it for today, people!

Take care!!!



  1. Toffe blog, mooie foto's; tziet er daar allemaal dik cava uit precies. :)

    Kga uw blog zeker regelmatig bekijken


    Vriendelijke Groenten


  2. Hey,
    Het ziet er ginder allemaal wel dik in orde uit precies! Wonen Haike & gij dan in hetzelfde huis?

    Hier in Belgiƫ gebeurt er weinig speciaals :) Mijn kot voor Duitsland is wel in orde ondertussen, dus dat was toch wel heel goed nieuws.

    Groetjes aan Haike! En veel leesplezier :)
